For all of my readers with 9 to 5 jobs, trying to find time to work on their own business, various creative projects, art, writing, music, etc., I am sure you experienced that point in your life when you found yourself in a psychological cup-de-sac; when some dreams that so much faith, hard work and hope was invested in, do not make any sense and there seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel. In that scenario, some of us decide to completely abandon the ideas they had and return to the daily safety of predictable and mundane; the others take their time to reframe and tackle the dream from a different angle. 

For all of us "daily dreamers", who for some reason reached the impasse in their productivity, I highly recommend a beautiful book "What do you do with an idea?" written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom.

What Do You Do With An Idea?

I believe that even those skeptics who  reject the notions of dreams, dream deep inside. Dreaming has such a wide spectrum of emotional states related to it from creative, crazy, daring, overwhelming to very uplifting. This is a beautiful story of a child  whose idea grows with him/her. Instead of monsters and scary adventures, in this book we encounter daily live obstacles and doubts. There are fundamental existential questions here: Should I pretend I never had this idea?  Should I walk away from my dream as it overwhelms me and probably will never come to live? Despite so much doubt and lack of support from others, the idea keeps following the child everywhere. It asks for more and more attention, like a growing puppy and day by day becomes a very close friend. This is a tale of solitude related to creative process, emotional richness of brain-storming act told through amazing traditional drawings by Mae Besom.

What Do You Do With An Idea?

What Do You Do With An Idea?

It does not matter whether you are 5 or 82 years old; this book has the power to convince us why we should love the suspicious and curious nature of our brain and why it is important not to give up on our dreams. Day by day our little ideas are changing the world we are part of, even if it is not always spectacular or obvious to anybody but ourselves. If you sometimes doubt that following your ideas and dreams is the most beautiful path you can take in life, please read this book!

P.S. Special thanks to my Friend, Erica thanks to whom I received this inspiring book!!!

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