I came across Erica Lambertson's art thanks to an online gallery Buddy Editions, which is a great place to look for affordable art, e.g., from fashion illustration to urban photography. The website is curated by Katie Armour, a co-founder of Matchbook magazine, who traveled all around the world to discover emerging artists and believe me, you can spend hours finding out about names and images that you have never seen before there.

Erica Lambertson is a painter based in New Orleans. If you want to find out more about her, read a very cool questionnaire on Buddy Editions (Erica's Buddy Questionnaire). What I love about Erica's paintings are the colors, which have a calming and exciting effect on me at the same time. I really like that the characters she portrays are so real that you can almost associate with them. There is also the sense of nostalgia for the past. New Orleans must be a great place to live for an artist with all its music, culture and vibrant nightlife. 

Thursdays have this effect on me that I feel the burden of the week workload and although the weekend starts next day, it seems like it will never come. In moments like this, I look for creative inspirations, and suddenly, I know again what's next, what I want to see, write or read about.
How do you handle a mid-week crisis, especially those of you who work on your own businesses and still keep your daily job?
Erica Lambertson
Erica Lambertson
Erica Lambertson

Erica Lambertson

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