I have just returned from my Summer vacation and in order to stay in a beach mood longer, I decided to share my 2015 Summer reads with you. Summer, somehow is my favorite time to read, although we all are very active staying outdoors and traveling, there is always a moment to read, especially on the beach.

During my weekly vacation, I managed to read two great books. Always Pack a Party Dress by Amanda Brooks and A Curious Career by Lynn Barber. I have to say that 2015 is so far the year of reading the books by strong women. (If you read my blog, you know that!) What those two book have in common is the perspective of two women who made their career in the world of pop culture and glamour, Amanda Brooks in fashion and Lynn Barber in journalism interviewing celebrities in England. Both of them give really vital professional advice for those who are interested in writing, blogging, making it happen on your own. Amanda Brooks reveals the secrets of NYC based fashion world and presents very honestly her professional and personal struggles while teaching us how to develop your own fashion sense regardless of our budgets.

Lynn Barber. on the other hand is a real rebel in the British journalistic arena. She cuts through the chase and expresses her harsh opinions on famous interviewees  regardless of the consequences. However, when she likes someone, like she does in case of the British artist Tracy Emin, you just so want to be her closest friend! It is a fascinating read.


5 Reads for Hot Summer Nights

 As I am working on my own business most of my free time, I will not be myself if I did not add some self-help business books written by women to my Summer reading list. Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel is kind of my bible, a reminder of how to be nice but not overly nice in a business environment as for women it usually leads to being treated as girls. Short chapters are very to the point and are a great reminder how to build confidence in the professional environment if that is not what you were born with. The second self-help book that is a very quick read, perfect for a morning commute is Make it Happen by Lara Casey. The author shows us how to get used to fear without ignoring it, fighting it but rather finding ways to tame it and learn from whatever it is telling us about our limitations.
My last choice is a coffee table book, Doris Duke's Shangri-La. If there is no vacation on the horizon for you this Summer, I can guarantee that this beautiful album will take you on a beautiful journey and maybe inspire you to make some changes in your apartment this Summer, so you can feel like you are traveling to some beautiful destination without leaving the house.

I am looking forward to hearing from you about your Summer reading lists!!!
Stay in shade!

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